

Company ID Address
 Okresní hospodářská komora Jihlava 48910805 Benešova 1256/13, 586 01 Jihlava
 Google Czech Republic, s.r.o. 27604977 Stroupežnického 3191/17, 150 00 Praha 5
 EMC Czech Republic, s.r.o 26499223 V parku 2335/20, 148 00 Praha 4
 Střední škola průmyslová, technická a  automobilní Jihlava 60545992 tř. Legionářů 3, 586 01 Jihlava

Cooperative projects

NETME Centre
Regional Research and Development Center of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Brno.

Future technical fields – a project to promote the development of technical and environmental literacy of students in secondary vocational education and increased prestige craft branches in the Czech Republic.

Project Research Center of New Technologies University of West Bohemia in the development of new technologies and materials.